Let Your Child Lead!

2019-06-10T14:08:04+01:00June 10th, 2019|

  Often times, parents will ask how to engage their little one in activities that promote speech and language development. Parents may pull lots of toys and games off the shelves and ask their child to “say this” or “look at this.” This can be overwhelming for an early learner, and cause them confusion as [...]

Is Your Child Ready to Embark on a Social Thinking Adventure?

2019-01-10T17:20:59+00:00January 10th, 2019|

This Scribble blog post was written by Hollie Gillespie, Occupational Therapist Does your child find it tricky in social situations? Sometimes get stuck on their own ideas and find it hard to be flexible when things don’t go to plan? Follow their own plan without regard for their peers? Struggle relating to their peers’ thoughts [...]

TCPs Ultimate Christmas Toy List: Part II

2018-12-03T18:51:14+00:00December 3rd, 2018|

One of the most common questions we get asked at the clinic is to share recommendations for gifts, activities, and games parents can get for their children for the holidays. There are so many options that can not only be fun but also help your child achieve their therapy goals. Last year, our therapists shared some [...]

Work Hard, Play Hard: Why we play with your kids… and why you should too!

2018-02-01T11:49:39+00:00February 2nd, 2018|

This Scribble was scribbled by Krysta Leong Poi (Speech and Language Therapist at TCP) One of the best parts about being a speech and language therapist is that I get to play… all day long! Of course, there are times when I’m sat a table with picture cards and worksheets but play is usually much [...]

TCP’s Ultimate Christmas Toy List

2017-12-04T13:42:54+00:00December 2nd, 2017|

It's that time of year again! Santa's elves are busy gathering toys for all of the children! One of the most frequently asked questions that we get at TCP at this time of year is whether we have any toy suggestions that are fun while also helping to target speech, language, and motor development. We [...]

5 Tips for Supporting Your Child who Stammers

2017-06-02T10:01:25+01:00June 2nd, 2017|

This Scribble was scribbled by Amna Arfin-Hyder (Speech and Language Therapist at TCP) Speech and communication begin with the first cry at birth. They then rapidly develop for the following two years as the child learns to make meaningful sounds and words. Later, between the ages of 2 and 6, he/she may begin to have [...]

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