Focus Surrey: Saturday ABA Club

2017-03-24T16:10:14+00:00March 24th, 2017|

This month’s Guest Scribble is written by Sarah from Focus Surrey, a Saturday ABA (Applied Behavioural Analaysis) club for children with autism and other related social communication disorders. Focus Surrey is an invaluable resource for families, run entirely by volunteer parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Club Ethos and Inspiration Focus Surrey aims [...]

Sensory Overload: What it is and how to help

2017-03-06T10:40:26+00:00March 3rd, 2017|

This Scribble was scribbled by Fatima Khodary (Occupational Therapist at TCP)  AN UNDERSTANDING OF SENSORY OVERLOAD Imagine yourself walking in the middle of Times Square, New York, on a hot day, chaperoning eight children, and worst of all, you are lost! Just imagine all the senses you would be feeling—hot, sticky, screaming kids, pedestrians [...]

TCP’s Book Bag: Our Favourite Books and How We Use Them!

2017-12-01T14:07:40+00:00March 2nd, 2017|

Happy World Book Day! No one loves a good children's book more than your therapists at The Children's Place. Books provide wonderful language learning opportunities and are also great for developing attention and listening skills,  and visual perception skills. We want to invite you to take a peek into our TCP book bag! Find out [...]

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